July 06,2018 | Moving Tips

Tips for Moving When It’s Really Hot Outside


Moving in Summer || Two Small Men

Summer is the most common time of year to move. It makes sense; who wants to move when the sidewalks are covered in ice or while the kids are in school? The only trouble with moving during the summer is that it can get (really) hot. Extreme heat can be dangerous for both you and your movers, so it’s important to take precautions if your moving day happens to be hot.

TSM July3 blog pic

How to Stay Cool When Moving on a Hot Day

If you’ve ever tried to work outside on a really hot day, you’ll know how quickly you can start to feel unwell. It doesn’t take long for the heat to cause problems, and heat stroke is a serious possibility.

We want to make sure our movers, and you, stay safe and cool during every summer move, that’s why we ask that you follow these tips during your summer move:

  • Take Breaks

When you’re working in heat it’s important to always take breaks to make sure you’re not overheating. When you’re moving things in and out the house, you might not even recognize that you’re getting overheated because you get to spend those few seconds inside. Make sure to schedule a 5 or 10 minute break every hour or so (less if you’re feeling hot).




If you’ve hired a moving company, don’t get upset when your movers stop for a break during the summer months. Of course we want to make sure your move goes as quickly as possible, but remember that your movers are human and the extra 10 minutes won’t affect your bill enough to be worth putting them in danger. 


  • Dress Appropriately

If you’re moving in the summer, one of the best ways to stay cool is to dress for the weather. Wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothes that won’t cause you to get too hot. But remember, you might be carrying heavy items so you probably don’t want to be wearing flip flops.

  • Stay Hydrated




Everyone knows that the key to staying cool in the summer is to stay hydrated. And we mean with water. You might be tempted to head to the store for ice-cold bottles of pop, but that won’t be an effective combatant to overheating. 

PSA: It’s always nice to offer your movers a drink of water or a water bottle if you have extra. 

  • Provide a Cool Down Area

Remember those breaks we were talking about before? Don’t take them by setting up a lawn chair and soaking up the sun for 10 minutes. Make sure to have a cool-down area (like a garage or entry-way) for taking breaks. You can always invite your moving company to take their breaks in the cool-down area too. 

Bonus Tip for Your Belongings:

  • Be Careful What You Pack

It’s not just you that’s going to be outside in the heat. Everything you pack is going to spend at least some time in the heat, whether that’s in the doorway or on the truck. So you have to take some special precautions when packing, or when getting packing services

Of course most people know not to pack perishable food into the moving truck, but other things can melt. Be careful of where and how you pack things like candles and soap to prevent them melting and spilling on other things. It’s also a good idea to take special care of electronics that can be affected by temperature.


Planning a move this summer? Make sure to get your free moving estimate from us today!


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